OmniCLES is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under no. 59977078. Copyright 2014 OmniCLES. All rights reserved.

OmniCLES can provide services for both antitrust and for merger control. We can either support you throughout an investigation or merger notification, or provide stand-alone services such as the review of a single document.


About us 

OmniCLES was founded in 2014 by Dr. Rob van der Laan. Rob has about 20 years of experience in the application of competition law - and in particular the use of economic theory therein - of which 10 years at competition authorities (NCAs) and 5 years as an in-house competition expert.

Our Services

OmniCLES is an independent economic consultancy providing advice and services to or through law firms in relation to the economic questions that emerge in the context of competition law.

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